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Here’s some more information about Unknown Substances/Materials

Identifying an unknown material is a crucial task in many investigations, as it can help determine the cause of a loss or damage. Armstrong Forensic Laboratory is a certified testing laboratory that has a team of seasoned experts specializing in chemical analysis and material identification. By using sophisticated instrumentation and techniques, the laboratory can accurately identify unfamiliar substances and provide clients with the information they need to make informed decisions.

One of the methods used by Armstrong Forensic Laboratory to identify an unknown material is Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). This technique involves shining an infrared light on the sample and measuring the energy absorbed by the molecular vibrations. The spectrum obtained from the measurement provides a unique fingerprint that can be compared with a library of over 100,000 spectra. FTIR is a non-destructive, rapid, and sensitive method that requires a small amount of the sample.

In addition to FTIR, Armstrong Forensic Laboratory offers other analytical methods for material identification, such as X-ray diffraction, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), liquid chromatography (HPLC), inductive coupled plasma, optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). GC-MS and HPLC are used to separate and identify the components of complex mixtures, while ICP-OES is used to determine the concentration of metals in the sample. The selection of the appropriate method depends on the nature of the material and the questions to be answered.

In conclusion, identifying an unknown material is a complex and challenging task that requires a combination of expertise, instrumentation, and techniques. Armstrong Forensic Laboratory is an accredited testing laboratory with decades of experience in chemical analysis and material identification. Its team of experts uses state-of-the-art equipment and methods to accurately identify unfamiliar substances. By providing reliable and timely results, Armstrong Forensic Laboratory helps clients in insurance investigations make informed decisions and resolve their claims.

Contact Armstrong

  • 330 Loch N Green Trail, Arlington, TX 76012
  • (817) 275-2691

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Contact Armstrong

  • 330 Loch N Green Trail, Arlington, TX 76012
  • (817) 275-2691

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