Retesting Evidence

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Retesting Evidence

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Here’s some more information about Retesting Evidence

Laboratory testing plays a vital role in legal proceedings involving drugs, as it provides crucial evidence to prove or disprove allegations related to drug offenses. Under Texas law, defendants have the right to request retesting of drug evidence if an initial test was conducted by a law enforcement agency. This right to retest stems from the belief that laboratory testing by an independent, accredited laboratory can provide a critical review of the previous results. Armstrong Forensic Laboratory is an accredited testing laboratory in Texas that conducts such retesting and data review.

Armstrong Forensic Laboratory, Inc is a ISO 17027:2017 accredited laboratory by ANSI National Accreditation Board, (ANAB) and is accredited by the Texas Forensic Science Commission (TFSC) for seized drugs. This accreditation ensures that the laboratory has met certain requirements related to training, expertise, and quality assurance. Armstrong has adopted rigorous standards for forensic testing to ensure that the testing is accurate and reliable.

In conclusion, laboratory testing is a critical component of drug-related legal proceedings, as it can provide evidence that can be used to prove or disprove allegations of drug offenses. Armstrong Forensic Laboratory is an accredited testing laboratory that provides retesting services to defendants who meet the legal requirements for retesting. By following the appropriate standards and utilizing the latest techniques and methodologies, Armstrong Forensic Laboratory provides accurate and reliable results that can be used in legal proceedings.

Contact Armstrong

  • 330 Loch N Green Trail, Arlington, TX 76012
  • (817) 275-2691

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Contact Armstrong

  • 330 Loch N Green Trail, Arlington, TX 76012
  • (817) 275-2691

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